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UK Government Funds Another Year of NELI

In one of her first decisions as Education Secretary, Bridget Phillipson has agreed to fund a fifth year of NELI.

This article originally appeared on the Nuffield Foundation Website.
See original article

Catch-Up Programme benefits young children’s communication skills

Tens of thousands of four and five-year-olds starting school in September in England are set to benefit from the Nuffield Early Language Intervention (NELI) programme.

In one of her first decisions as Education Secretary, Bridget Phillipson has agreed to fund a fifth year of NELI, a catch-up programme for reception pupils who need extra support with their speech and language development.

NELI is a 20-week intervention delivered by a specially trained teaching assistant. Small-group sessions feature ‘Ted’, the NELI puppet, and games that help children to concentrate on speaking, listening and learning.

An evaluation by the Education Endowment Foundation found NELI boosts young children’s language skills by an additional four months, and that children eligible for Free School Meals made up to seven months’ additional progress. This means NELI could have a significant role in helping to close the language development gap between socio-economically disadvantaged pupils and their peers.

Research shows that babies born during the Covid-19 pandemic have poorer communication skills compared with babies born before Covid. September’s reception intake were babies during the second lockdown, and NELI can support pupils still being affected by its persistent legacy.

It’s fantastic news that the new government is funding NELI for another year and supporting a well-evidenced intervention that we know makes a real difference in narrowing the disadvantage gap in young children.” said Josh Hillman, Director of Education at Nuffield Foundation

Professor Charles Hulme, one of the developers of NELI, said: “Language skills are the foundation for literacy development and the whole of formal education. We are delighted that the government is to continue funding for the NELI programme, which is proven to improve children’s language and educational outcomes.”

More than 11,100 primary schools in England are currently registered for NELI, benefitting over 211,000. The development of the programme was funded by the Nuffield Foundation. It is now delivered by Oxed and Assessment who are writing to all state primary schools in England to offer NELI for September 2024.