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NELI Preschool Effectiveness Trial - Expression of Interest

NELI Preschool is a 20-week oral language enrichment programme, centred around shared storybook reading, which is designed to improve the oral language skills of children in nursery settings.  Previous research has shown positive findings for children who took part in NELI Preschool. To build on this previous evidence, the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) is funding an evaluation of NELI Preschool. The programme will be delivered by OxEd and Assessment (OxEd) and will be independently evaluated by the National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER). This evaluation will run in the academic year 2024-25 and will involve 3 to 4-year-old children from a pre-school class/classroom in 318 maintained and PVI nursery settings.

Once you submit this form, the OxEd team will be in touch as soon as possible to discuss your eligibility and next steps. Please note that you will be under no obligation to sign up for the trial at this stage.  

Setting Details

Settings can be state-maintained or Private, Voluntary and Independent nurseries.
DD slash MM slash YYYY
Setting Type(Required)
Enter your EYFS number or URN here. If you are not a nursery or have a setting number or URN, please just enter 'N/A'
Did your setting take part in the 2021-22 efficacy trial of NELI Preschool (known as the NELI - Nursery or NELI-N efficacy trial by the University of Oxford)?(Required)

Contact Information

Please provide the details of the person best placed to receive follow-up information - Privacy Notice can be found here: (LINK)

Other Setting Information

The evaluation will require settings to have at least fourteen 3 to 4-year-old children attending 15 hours or more per week in the academic year 2024-25. As a proxy for this figure in the next academic year, we ask for the following information about your setting from September in this current academic year, i.e., 2023-24.
Are these figures a good indication of the number of children likely to attend nursery from September of the 2024-25 academic year?(Required)
Is your nursery currently taking part in any interventions or scheduled to take part in any interventions in 2024-25? (If you are planning on taking part in the EEF Maths Champions scale-up programme please include in the list below)(Required)
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.