The NELI Programme - A direct impact on our children
Gillas Lane Primary Academy, located in one of England's most deprived areas, saw outstanding improvements in pupils' language abilities and confidence with the NELI programme.
A comprehensive programme of assessment, training and intervention supporting speech and language in the early years
The NELI Programme provides schools with a way of identifying early language difficulties and is proven to improve children’s language skills and behaviour in school.
NELI helps children aged 4-6 years old with the weakest oral language skills catch up with their peers through targeted small group and individual sessions. It focuses on developing children’s vocabulary, listening and storytelling skills. Large scale trials have shown NELI helps children make 3-5 months’ additional progress on top of what they would be usually be expected to achieve.
NELI was developed out of decades of research into children’s early language development and is the only early years language intervention to be awarded 5/5 for evidence strength by the Education Endowment Foundation.
The NELI Programme includes three main components. Reliable and easy-to-use language screening, easy-to-access CPD-certified training and the 20-week targeted intervention programme.
Schools first assess with LanguageScreen – a quick, reliable and highly accurate language assessment. Any adult in the school can, in less that ten minutes, obtain a comprehensive overview of a child’s language ability. LanguageScreen is used to assess the language skills of all children in the class at the beginning of the year and identify the children who need additional targeted support. At the end of the year it is used to ensure all children are still meeting age-expected outcomes as well as evaluate the progress of those children who received the intervention.
The NELI Programme includes comprehensive online training for teachers and teaching assistants. It is delivered completely online so you can complete the courses at your own pace, courses will take 10-12 hours to complete. The courses explore language development, critical strategies to support language skills, how to deliver NELI and videos of NELI in action. You are mentored throughout by the research team and speech and language professionals.
The NELI intervention is a 20-week programme consisting of weekly small group and individual sessions. NELI aims to develop children’s vocabulary, listening and narrative or storytelling skills through scaffolded activities. Each week children are introduced to new vocabulary as “Special Words” as well as consolidating their learning from previous sessions.
NELI is one of the best evidenced education interventions globally and is the only early years language intervention to be awarded 5/5 for evidence strength by the Education Endowment Fund.
A series of randomised controlled trials and independent evaluations have shown that it brings about educationally meaningful improvements:
Gillas Lane Primary Academy, located in one of England's most deprived areas, saw outstanding improvements in pupils' language abilities and confidence with the NELI programme.
Henleaze Infants School share how NELI is helping their children improve in confidence, vocabulary and narrative story telling skills.
Yewstock School share why The NELI Programme is their favourite intervention and the impact its having across their Early Years.
Communication and language impacts on everything, including life skills and NELI gives them the grounding they need before we concentrate on other areas of the curriculum, such as reading and writing.
Shushila Bhanderi, Assistant Headteacher,
Uxendon Manor Primary School
If you’re already using NELI in your school and need to replace your NELI Pack you can purchase pack components, or even a full replacement pack by contacting our team.
A narrative is a story or sequence of linked events or ideas, and it can be difficult for young children to produce a narrative effectively. Whenever they are telling you what they had for tea, or what happened just now in the playground, or pretending to be Goldilocks and the Three Bears, they are using narrative skills.
Once children can choose which words to say, and combine these to make individual sentences, they need to be able to build them into a coherent sequence or story. Narrative skills develop as children get older and there are typical narrative milestones. NELI helps you support the children who are finding these skills difficult.
NELI has been a wonderful addition to our EYFS provision. The children have absolutely adored working with Ted! After NELI, children are more confident, ambitious in their vocabulary choices and ready to continue great progress.
Alex Davies
St Thomas More Primary School