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Accurately assess oral language skills

LanguageScreen is an assessment tool for 3-11 year olds to track the progress of pupils' oral language skills and identify those who would benefit from interventions or specialist support.

Why is oral language so important?

Oral language is our ability to communicate and express ourselves. Good oral language skills are the foundation of school life, enabling children to participate fully in lessons and classroom activities. They're also critical for children’s social and emotional development – how can they play with their friends if they can’t join in the conversation?

Language difficulties can have knock-on effects throughout a person’s life. Children with poor language skills are, as adults, more likely to receive fewer qualifications, have lower incomes and reduced employment opportunities and are more likely to suffer from mental health issues.

The good news is that, if identified early, delays in oral language development can be addressed by suitable language interventions.

What's in a LanguageScreen assessment?

A LanguageScreen assessment takes place using a tablet or phone and is administered by an adult. Depending on the age of the child, it consists of three or four easy-to-administer tests of fundamental language skills. The adult will guide the child through the tests, following the instructions provided in the app, and discreetly mark their response correct or incorrect using the controls at the bottom of the screen. To ensure the test is appropriate for all children, the LanguageScreen assessment adapts to the age and ability of the child.

Expressive vocabulary

What does each picture show?

Listening comprehension

Answer questions about short stories.

Receptive vocabulary

Which picture matches the word spoken?

Sentence repetition

Repeat the sentence verbatim

Try LanguageScreen now...

Follow the steps below to launch a LanguageScreen assessment

Step 1

Download the LanguageScreen app for iOS / Android tablets and smartphones.


Step 2

Open the app and use this QR code to launch a practice assessment.

Step 3

Download a sample assessment report, with:

  • age-standardised results
  • detailed visual and written feedback for individual pupils and whole classes
  • traffic light symbols showing the children who would most benefit from support

Step 4

Watch this video of a pupil being assessed.

Easy to use tablet and smartphone app

Takes less than 10 minutes per child

Suitable for children 3 – 11 years old

Instant detailed reports with no paper marking

A Deep Dive into LanguageScreen

Watch this on-demand webinar to learn about LanguageScreen and hear directly from an experienced educator how they have embedded LanguageScreen (and NELI) into their educational practice.

New research paper on LanguageScreen published

Read about the development, validation and standardisation of LanguageScreen in this recently published research paper.

A thorough assessment we can be confident in

Read about the pivotal role LanguageScreen plays at St Michael's Primary School, Oxford in assessing their children's early language skills and helping their children take strides in their learning.

Find out more about how LanguageScreen works

These short videos provide an overview of setting up and using the LanguageScreen app.

Registering pupils for assessment
Getting ready to use
Assessing children

We were quite surprised that the screening picked up children with good vocabulary and speaking but with limited reasoning and understanding - these children might have been overlooked without screening with LanguageScreen.

Sallie Wood
Henleaze Infant School

LanguageScreen is being used in the national roll-out of the NELI Programme funded by the Department for Education (DfE) and the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) to primary schools in England.

Vice-Chancellor’s Innovation & Engagement Awards logo
LanguageScreen has been Highly Commended in the University of Oxford Vice-Chancellor’s Innovation and Engagement Awards as a research project that has made a positive difference to society.

Bett Awards 2023 winner

BETT Awards 2023
Early Years – Digital Product or Service

Education Resource Awards 2022
Early Years Resource or Equipment